About PI

Product Ident GmbH, established in 2016 and headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, stands at the forefront of the digitalization era 4.0. Our mission is to harness innovative solutions to empower businesses locally in Germany and the European Union on a global scale. To support the robust and sustainable growth of cross-border business endeavors such as trading, e-commerce, and services, we have assembled a hand-picked team of cross-border compliance experts. These trusted professionals work closely on a daily basis, offering a comprehensive suite of highly professional consulting solutions under a single roof.

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  • Company: Product Ident GmbH
  • Address: Hoferstraße 9B Ludwigsburg, BW 71636 Germany
  • Whatsapp/Mobiles: +49 1734543507
  • Email: support@product-ident.com
  • 公司:南京海规科技有限公司/南京源规科技有限公司
  • 地址:南京市栖霞区紫东创意产业园A7栋401-7
  • 联系电话:+86 13372024022
  • 邮箱: support@product-ident.com
  • 公众号:Product Ident GmbH